“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

James said it this way, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

Reaching out to others can be something as simple as taking a few moments to pray for someone or meeting a tangible need like changing a tire or offering a meal. It can also be as involved as traveling oversees and spending two weeks submerged in the culture and lives of another people. Reaching out in the way God calls us to is somewhere in between and as easy to find as opening our eyes and listening to God’s Spirit directing us.

Join us for regular outreaches to people in our community or help us meet the needs of those around the world. Please feel free and encouraged to let us know what you are doing and how we can join you as you follow Jesus’ command to reach out to those around us.

Home Missionaries and Agencies

Living Well Ministries
Living Well strives to help guests grow spiritually into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, relationship, and Bible study, along with meeting the physical needs within the family. We encourage one another to support the goal at hand: to love our guests without judgement and to share the Gospel. Ask for Tim Bowers when calling Calvary at 209.239.1345.

Dan and Debbie Bender serve "The Nations Among US" in the San Diego area through Tecate Mission International. Their goal is to build relationships by serving the many international people in their community. Their focus is on newcomers (refugees) and Muslims in particular. In addition to outreach, the Benders are continually teaching other believers how to lovingly engage other people groups. Contact 619.851.7451 or danbender20@gmail.com.

Right to Life - Manteca Pregnancy Help Center
Provides resources for women such as family planning, pregnancy counseling and information services. Contact 209.239.9899.

Hope Shelter
They serve homeless families of the greater Manteca area by providing temporary housing and resources to help give them a second chance at success. Contact 209.824.0652.

Haven of Peace
They are a shelter for women and children that is committed to providing tools to help them become self-sufficient. Contact 209.982.0396.

Love Inc.
Their mission is to mobilize Christians to transform lives and the community in the name of Christ. Contact 209.825.9131 or visit www.loveincmanteca.org.

Gideon’s International
They are dedicated to telling people about Jesus Christ through providing Bibles in schools and colleges, hotels, prisons and jails, hospitals and medical offices. Contact 209.522.4813 or visit www.gideons.org.

Global Missionaries

Brenda Allen has been serving in Guinea, a country in West Africa doing youth and medical ministries with World Venture. She has been with World Venture for 12 years.

Dan and Krista Coyan serve the Lord in the Czech Republic, one of the most atheistic countries in the world. In addition to holding home Bible studies, they work with local students both at school and in get-togethers in their home. They are also involved with “Hledam Boha” (“Looking for God”), a ministry that reaches thousands of Czechs every year who want an anonymous place online to ask about God and Christianity.

Csaba and Virag Balkus work with high school students in and around Budapest, Hungry with Campus Crusade for Christ.

Kennedy and Wendy Paiz serve in Thailand evangelizing Buddhist people and working with national believers to plant new churches with The Evangelical Alliance Mission.

Eric and Beth Yodis serve in Ukraine doing church planting with World Venture.

Dan Long is the personnel director with Sudan Interior Mission, Ethiopia.

Bill and Mary Conlee take teams from a variety of churches on short term trips to countries in Central and South America providing shoes for kids and evangelizing the children and their families. Bill is founder of Happy Feet International.

Rick and Pearl Denham primarily work with Portuguese speaking people in Brazil translating books into Portuguese as well as offering online courses through Christian Literature Advance.

Jennifer Jessee has been serving with World Team in Cameroon for 10 years. She uses her skills as a nurse to help with discipleship-based church planting efforts among the Baka, a semi-nomadic people group living in the rain forest. Among her duties are medical care, health teaching, discipleship and Bible teaching. The physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the Baka are vast, but there are a couple fledgling churches beginning to grow among the Baka.