Why should I join a Life Group?
In a Church the size of Calvary, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd or slip through the cracks. That’s why we have Life Groups-to make a large Church feel small. We want Calvary to be a place where people feel known, feel comfortable, feel like they are a part of a family. This family feel helps us grow in our faith!
In a Life Group you will find people being intentional about moving closer to God and learning to love one another. Everything in life is better when shared. Celebration is richer. Sorrow is more bearable. Challenges are put in perspective. Decisions are wiser. We grow faster when people are rooting for us, teaching us, and learning with us.
How Life Groups Work
Each Life Group has the choice of finding their own study material or following along with the Sermon Study. The great thing about joining a Sermon Study is that you can join at any time during the quarter. The most important part of our Life Groups is the focus on the 4 S’s!
Sharing what is going on in our lives.
Studying God’s word.
Supporting one another through prayer, encouragement, listening, challenging one another and meeting each others real needs.
Serving either in the church or service projects in the community.
How do I join a life group?
There are several ways. The first way is simply taking a look through our Life Group Directory and finding a group that fits your age and stage. Once you find a group you would like to join, contact the group leader to begin a conversation about how to connect. The second way is to provide us with some information so we can help connect you. You can call the office and speak with Erin or Bryan, complete the Life Group interest form, or fill out a connect card.
Complete the Life Group Interest Form.
Spring 2025
When can I join/start a Life Group?
In following with the concept of the rhythms of life, we use the quarter system with our Life Groups. Life Group Quarters begin in January, Mid-March, and August/September (Most groups take summer off), and they last 10-12 weeks. The purpose of the quarters is to provide “on-ramps and off-ramps” for people to check out new groups to find the group they connect with best, you are not “stuck” in a group forever.